Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Remember not to drink and blog, you could break something.

Semac! Conachre! Get in my office!!! The tangents. Or maybe, the tangence? Is that a word? Am I hungry? Yes, but the canopener is missing, so I can't get my chili. Perhaps early man would have devised some crude, rudimentary lathe to get into the sealed can of Nalley's Original Chili Con Carne With Beans. And why do they say "with meat" in spanish but "with beans" in english?

"post to save yerself." if only it were that easy. but no friends, i'm here to tell you that it isn't. indeed, i posted. i wasn't saved. it doesn't work. don't do it. and that, as they say, the penetrant man shall pass. i miss you Tony.

Rememeber to drink and screw, you could break something. (like the sound barrier)