Tuesday, September 10, 2002

I don't get it.

My new Smith's is coming in October. Pardon, my NEW Smith's.

I can smoke by the mormo temple now. Thank you god. I can sunbathe there too. Having won the battle, it seems boring now. Let them have it. It was the fighting that was fun. Restrict us again and let us complain.

I can contact my School Board Representative. Karen Derrick. I wonder if she can give the teachers a raise. I wonder. Stevie Wonder was blind...

$14.99 Daily Seafood Dinner Specials! Only at [omitted] I wonder how much their Crack-smoker special is? Fuck them

Oh, I can build a better school board. Doug Nelson for Board of Education. ...but what does Karen Derrick think of this? I should contact her.

Why do the words "mausoleum" and "holocaust" seem so similar to me? Maybe the two brain cells holding those words are touching each other. At any rate, it gives a whole new meaning to Salt Lake Mausoleum. Let's put it on Main Street.


There still isn't a scottsucks.com When are those webpeople going to get their shit together

There is something ticking in my computer! Maybe it's a bomb! Maybe that terrorist put it there! No, what is this ticking?! Maybe the FBI is spying on me! Hey what's all this plastic explosive and a gold watch about? Maybe I should cut the red wire. Which one's red? Oh no!!! Not that one!!! AAAHHH!!!

...but he could see things other people couldn't see.