Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bag of Nerves

I get so nervous over little things. Tonight I'm going out with Felix to see Franz Ferdinand play at the Avalon Theatre. It's the first time in months that I've done anything without Emily or Madeleine, and it's so funny how much that scares me.

I take it as a sign that this is something I absolutely must do. "A person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." Right? I'm worried I'll settle down too comfortably in my own little world, and begin to lose touch with reality.

I was a complete wreck as the plane touched down in Rome. Changing plans and planes
in Atlanta and Paris had shaken me, and knowing that a large city in a foreign country lay ahead of me got the better of my senses. But finally something clicked in me and I was able to function again. The whole trip had its difficulties that caused me plenty of worry, but that's part of what it made it so great for me. The high I felt (and am still feeling) is due in no small part to the feeling that I "survived" it.

But does seeing a band I'm familiar with in a venue I've all ready visited with one of my closest friends really count as a new experience? It's got me nervous enough, so we'll count it as one.