Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why won't anybody listen to me?!

What the hell? I know what I'm talking about, so shut up and listen all ready. Did you know I called in to a radio talk show to totally pwn the hosts, but they didn't even get the point? No? Well, I did. They were saying that a Michigan judge should be fired because he claims he didn't know that a woman in his courtroom was wearing a headscarf for religious reasons when he asked her to remove it. Their claim was that the judge is either a racist or too stupid to realize that Muslims wear headscarves. I called in to tell them that not all Muslim women have to wear headscarves all the time, and so it's quite possible the judge was simply unsure in this case.

The freaking radio morons didn't even have a clue what I was saying. Their response was "Everybody has a different way of expressing their religion, and they should have the right to!" I tried to explain that they had failed to grasp my point, but they cut me off. Freaking worthless idiots.

And I've completely begun ignoring politics. What a mindrotting joke. For me, it was when Sarah Palin was claiming that Obama was organizing "Death Panels" to determine who gets to live and die that I finally said "Enough! I can't handle these intense levels of stupidity!" So, fine, America. Keep believing these fools. For God's sake, you deserve all the bad things they do to you. I know what's right, what's moral and just, what's wise and prudent. It's pretty darn easy to see. The answer has been there all along, and yet nobody has listened. Well, then screw you. I'm not going to listen to you any more.

Good god, to think that I considered myself open minded to consider the opinions of the right wing talk show hosts. What a fool I was. I listened in to some Michael Savage today, and the time away earned me a new perspective. It's all insidious lies. It's all half-baked logical arguments presented to push a hate-filled agenda. And when a caller wholly pwnt him on his own show, his weasely wimpiness really showed through. What an ass.

How amazing is it that people are fighting against health care reform? It's like, when you learn about the Loyalists in the American Revolution, and you think - jeez, how could anybody have supported the tyrant King? Well, duh. Here we are, with a chance to finally make some real positive change in this country, to help all those who truly need it, and we take to the streets with semi-literate racist picket signs. America's history is pock-marked with protests against fairness. No! Don't End Slavery! No! Don't Let Women Vote! No! Don't Let Races Mix! No! Don't Let Gays Marry!

Just die all ready, jerks. And how these people can consider themselves followers of Christ, I'll never understand. I don't recall Jesus preaching "God Hates Fags." Maybe I got some liberal commie version of the Bible. Because the Jesus I know and love seemed to be putting down a message more like "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." And other Socialist propaganda like that.

Even beyond the religious aspect, this is an unnatural way for humans to exist. In a state of war, fear, and hate? That's not how it's meant to be. The entire meaning of life is to ensure the continuation of your species. If life ever refused to do that, the whole thing would fall apart. All life on the planet relies on this one simple principle. Yet we take an "Every man for himself" philosophy. Are you kidding me? We never EVER would be where we are if the human race always felt that way. A lone human isn't fast enough to hunt with rudimentary weapons, or strong enough to operate a farm. A naked human would barely survive a year in most climates on the planet. Everything we have created for ourselves has come as a result of teamwork and cooperation. And we've become one of the most successful species in the history of the planet. It's something to be proud of. Not something to turn our back upon.

So why are we fighting to ensure that our tax dollars go more towards creating death than preserving life? Damned if I know. I think people are just goddamn stupid.

If they'd listen to me, they'd know better. But it's not going to happen. I don't know why. I was even trying to explain the whole "Why the Utes suddenly look worse" thing to some Utah fans today, and they didn't grasp the concept. Maybe I was talking too fast, and it was a lot of information to get out. I don't know. At any rate, I failed to enlighten them. If only I was able to communicate better. To connect. To put my ideas into their brains.

I guess that's a motivator for me. That must be why I blog and write music and stories and dream of being a teacher. I must have some sort of innate desire to help bring people to my level of understanding. Weird. Well, anyways, it's getting late, so I'm going to end here. More to come next time I have time to write.