Sunday, March 02, 2003

I was so pumped, I head-butted my dog so hard we both screamed.

And now, some world news. Iraq has begun destroying it's weapons!!! And Turkey voted against letting America attack from it's soil. (According the the Tribune, 90% of Turks oppose the war.) Perhaps, maybe, we might just avoid this horrible war yet. I mean, who could support a country that is being an aggressor against a nation that is DISARMING ITSELF?! Scary times we're living in. And now they're saying that the mormo practice of preparing for the armageddon is a good model to Americans who want to survive the apocalypse and live in a radioactive world with mutants warring with each other for the last scraps of diseased food and blah blah blah. Personally, when that time comes, I'd rather be in heaven with Tony than on this wasteland with all the mormons. But anyways... OH MY GOD. Wow, ok so Terri has her radio on and I just heard "Hurt" covered by Johnny Cash. Holy fuck. At first I thought it was a joke. I actually had to search the internet just now to see if it was for real. But it is. Oh my god, is there anything that man can't do? What a freaking badass. I heard once that Johnny Cash totally uppercut this kid just for opening a window. One time Johnny Cash was at a dinner and some guy dropped a fork, and Johnny Cash killed the enitre town. Now that's what I call REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!!