Monday, August 27, 2012

Another busy day at work. I had a little bit of a headache still so I didn't take my ritalin. I'm not necessarily dependent on it, but I do notice a drop-off in productivity without it. I'll probably just keep it up on a daily basis. I forgot to bring Maddy's lunch to school so I had to go to the store and buy a few lunch items for her and drop it back off. Slow news day. We were all tired and grumpy tonight, but my sister called and invited us to the park with her and Mike and Lainey. We brought along a soccer ball, basketball, and baseball to play with, and Lainey and Liam loved playing with them even though they couldn't do much. It really lifted our spirits, I think.  When we left, Liam yelled out "Bye Nainey! Bye Emmy! My Bike!" Then two or three more chapters of Treasure Island and another episode of Downton Abbey.