Friday, January 26, 2001

Hey everyone. As some of you may know by now, last night I was fortunate enough to get to see Jill Sobule perform live. I know I've not blogged about her yet (a sin that will never be absolved), but she is one of my most favorite artists. Also, no other artist has more influence on my songwriting than she does. It was an awesome performance. A religious experience for me. I would like to be able to tell you how much I love her and her music. More than that, I would like to be able to tell her that. I had the opportunity to as she autographed my copy of "Pink Pearl," but I must admit that I get very starstruck. I think its because I obviously feel so strongly about particular artists and their music, and there aren't enough words to really describe what I feel. (From my last blog, you can tell that brevity is not one of my strong points; I had to cut a lot out of that blog just to make it reasonable.) Even if I had a chance to talk to her again, I still don't know what I could say to let her know how highly I think of her. I never feel like words are enough. I guess thats why gave up writing and became a musician.

And god knows what I would do if I ever meet Tracy Bonham. Hell, I'd probably pass out as soon as she took the stage and miss the whole damn show!

Also, things appear as though my band may be getting back together, so watch out. There may be something great on the horizon..