Wednesday, January 17, 2001

Hi everybody. So, right now I am blogging from the University of Utah. Pretty cool, huh? I knew you'd all be impressed. I have a two hour break in between my classes, so I thought I'd come in and share some thoughts with you. It's been a while since I wrote last, and that is just due to scheduling. Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, (which the white supremacist republicans dominating the Utah legislature only want to call "Human Rights Day") but for me, I just call it "No School Day." Yes folks, what could be finer than eight straight hours of piano and guitar playing and singing? I worked through every sheet music book I have, (Including, but not limited to: "All The Pain Money Can Buy" by Fastball, "Stunt" by Barenaked Ladies, "Whatever And Ever, Amen" by Ben Folds Five, and of course, "L.P." by the Rembrandts) and when I was done, I went out and bought another book (of "Tidal" by Fiona Apple), and worked through that one too. I did the same thing Tuesday, interrupted only by the one class I had that day. And of course, I concluded the evenings by watching "Jazz" which further inspired me to play some more. I'm having fun and getting better. Yesterday, to my surprise, I pushed my chest register up to G natural, an octave and a fifth above middle C. That is a major third higher than the top of my comfortable range, and a half step higher than I've ever pushed it before. I know none of you know what this means, but I'm proud of my accomplishment none the less.

Well, I have some studying to do. I shouldn't be spending all my time at the University thinking solely about music. (I do anyways, though) I'll probably blog again later when I have some more free time. See you then!