Wednesday, January 17, 2001

Hey, I just have to share one of those musical epiphany moments you always hear about. I was watching "Jazz" as usual, and tonight, halfway through the program, they began talking about a bebop pianist with a style all his own. It wasn't virtuostically technical, it wasn't really like anything anyone's done before or since. It was melodic and dissonant and beautiful, and one person said he "found the cracks in the middle of the diatonic scale." He was Thelonious Monk. As soon as his segment was over, and the show moved on to other artists, I was out the door, heading for my local music shop to pick up one of his CDs. This is great stuff.

Oh, and just to make my night completely and totally kick ass, I learned that Jill Sobule is playing here on Saturday night!!! YES!!!

Well, I hope you all have as good night as I. Later.