Sunday, February 09, 2003

Sunday Morning.

I want to go to Sears and look at all the Craftsman tools. Do any of you just think that's fun? I do. All those shiny different sized crescent wrenches, and those big red steel chests on caster wheels. It's like, a glimpse into a life I don't have. A life that involves actually having a need for all those tools. Sadly, all I really need is my little Leatherman multi-tool that came free with a Mach 3 razor. It's not even a Leatherman, it's a Mountain Quest. Whatever. It's a little rusted from being used to carve pumpkins... maybe I do need a new tool set. Actually, what I need is a knife set. Too bad Felix never became a knife salesman. My generic steak knives just don't do the trick sometimes. I guess I'm NOT satisfied with my kitchen experience. And I doubt that they would ever cut right through an aluminum can. But I do have my miracle Sobakawa Pillow. You know what though? It didn't change my life. Dr. Kazo Watanabe and that blond bitch lied to me. I'm still me. Maybe I'm not using it correctly,

I read obituaries. The obituaries page is full of written monuments to normal, every day people. And now their stories get told to someone like me, who never knew them. I've only read three obituaries that concern me or anyone I know - Tony, Bill's mom, and Courtney's dad. Other than that, the rest are perfect strangers. There is obit that I will probably always remember - the old but lively man who died peacefully surrounded by his family after an illness came on. The line that I'll never forget: "He became ill 'while bowling the perfect game!'"