Thursday, September 13, 2012

It was Grandparents' Day at school, and I played music for the All School Mass.  Madeleine was the lector for the opening of Mass, and she did such a great job!  We kept smiling and waving at each other throughout the service.  Then I went back to work while my parents and Cyndi stayed through lunch.  Maddy interviewed them about what it was like when they were kids.  They had a wonderful time.

I posted this on my facebook today: "So there is some sort of telemarketing company that is trying to get us to let them come in to the office for a consultation on our credit card machine (or something). Their strategy is INSANE though. They call us every couple of days and abuse the staff here, telling us we're stupid, we're useless, we're liars, and that we should be fired if we don't let them talk directly to 'William' immediat

"The one time I pretended to be 'William,' I told them I wasn't interested, and they began to scream at me, saying I wasn't legally allowed to refuse them and I would be stupid to do so anyways. I figured if they were going to stoop to false legal threats, I would make one of my own, and began asking for all their information, telling the caller they will be subpoena'd. It stopped them for a while, but now they're back again."

Liam had a little bit of a runny nose yesterday, but today it became a full cold.  Emily came down with it too.  I came home and played with the kids and watched the Bears lose miserably to Green Bay.  Liam is learning to use the potty, but still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it.  At least he was thoughtful enough to cover the mess he left with a tissue.  Still, he's showing rapid improvement each day.  And his vocabulary is stunning.  Every night he says goodnight to the paintings Emily made for his room: A giraffe, a monkey, and a zebra.  Then he says goodnight to the picture of him as an infant and the picture of the four of us on the day of his birth ~ "Dayee, Mommy, Shisha, and Baby Me" he calls us.  He also pointed out the banana in the monkey's picture, calling it a "ba-NAY-na."  He's just so incredible.

I heard Madeleine singing the Gospel Acclamation from church today as she dried her hair.  Then we read a chapter of Treasure Island and she went out like a light.  What a wonderful little girl she is.