Tuesday, September 11, 2012

While nothing was particularly eventful about the day, the evening was pretty cool.  We found out that Mo Willems was doing a reading and signing of his new book "Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs" at the King's English bookstore in Sugarhouse.  Madeleine adores Willems's books.  She probably has more than twenty of them.  At the end of the work day, Emily, Madeleine, and Liam met me at work, as well as Emily and Lainey.  The six of us and my parents went to dinner at Olive Garden and to the bookstore.

My parents and Emily and Lainey were too tired to stay after the reading, but we did, and Madeleine got to meet Mo.  He signed a copy of his book for her, and another for Liam, and that was it.  I know that book signings - especially for popular authors - can't logistically be much more than that, but it doesn't make for a very memorable or friendly encounter.  Maybe Mo's personality has something to do with it too, but I'll try not to judge him.