Sunday, September 23, 2012

We woke up to find Mike making crepes from scratch for everyone.  We all sat around the table for breakfast, then packed up to go home.  We headed straight over to the Kings' house.  They weren't home yet, and had changed their garage opener code, so I slid open their garage window, and let Maddy in.  She opened the garage for us and we went inside.  Sarah came over soon after.  Liam went down for a nap, and we played Scrabble out on the back deck while waiting for Dennis and Cyndi to get home.

When they did, they gave the kids some Halloween presents and Sarah an iPhone 5.  Then we went to dinner at Spice Bistro and went back to watch the Emmys.  But it got too late to watch the whole thing, and we went home.  I was so tired and sore and stiff, I really wasn't much good to anyone.