Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today was such a fun day with my kids!  We woke up and ate chocolate muffins in the loft while playing with toys.  Then we went to the park at the school across the street so Maddy could show me how she goes on the monkey bars backwards.  Or "monky PARS!" as Liam calls them.

We were only there for about an hour, then we came back to cool down before we went to Wheeler Farm.  Poor Emily was still feeling too sick to come.  She missed us, but she did enjoy a quiet house.  Madeleine sketched each animal we saw, and Liam told me what the animal says.  Cows, horses (they say "YEE-HAW!" according to Liam), rabbits, chickens, turkeys (they pecked at sticks the kids held out for them), goats, ducks, geese, swans, and sheep.  The pigs were hiding in their homes.  After walking around forever to find a restroom for Maddy, we ended up at the huge playground they have there.  The kids played on that for a while before we stopped at a little tent where we could pet a sheep, a goat, and a donkey.  They had just stopped giving pony rides, but Maddy was able to sit on one for a picture.  She also got to hold a bunny.  It was $1, and although I was out of cash, Maddy was prepared with her wallet in her purse.  That was pretty awesome.

After the farm, the three of us ate dinner at Hoppers.  They were very well behaved and ate well.  I was a proud dad.  We brought home some dinner for Emily, and then took a big bath to get all the farm dirt off of us.  It was a wonderful day!!!