Saturday, February 10, 2001

Shalom. All right, I'm listening to Dido right now. I feel like I'm in Long Beach, lying in my bed, my fan on top of my bass amp set on high and humming quietly, a helicopter circling overhead, the neighbors behind me engaging in a midnight basketball game, "Hamlet" lying on the floor next to a brochure on Shure microphones, my guitar leaning against the foot of my bed. In a few hours I'd wake to a foggy morning, check my empty email, eat some chocolate poundcake I bought with my Ralph's card, and read my latest Issue of Rolling Stone before heading off to record production class. I'm very careful to correct people when they assume that I didn't like Long Beach, because I really did love it there. It was the part about being away from all my friends that I couldn't stand. I really realized how lucky I am to have Tony, Chris, Quinn, Amy, Bill, and Joanne as great friends. They are all great people, and just to think that they consider me a friend is at times unimaginable. I guess this is one of those times. Sometimes I'm not sure if I really let them know how much they mean to me.

P.S. Tony has joined the blogging community. Visit it and be enlightened.